What is the Real Impact of Short Stay Accommodation?

Airbnb has no doubt been an innovative disruptor in the hotel industry. It, and other short-stay providers like it, offer a different way to stay for travelers.


This has seen benefits for home owners and tourists, and has in some cases forced some hotel operators to review their offerings.


But people are now starting to question what the wider reaching impact of the share economy is. While we can’t know for sure, some people are suggesting things like Airbnb are part of the housing crisis in places such as Hobart.


Currently, there is a housing shortage in Hobart and many people are unable to find rental properties to live in. Locals are blaming short-stay accommodation as being a big part of the reason, as many home owners choose to list their properties online rather than renting them out long-term. Many are also blaming the situation to be causing the increasing number of homeless in and around Hobart.


However, the government is not so quick to lay blame and want to investigate the matter further to get a better understanding of what impact, if any, the short-term accommodation market is having on the housing situation.


What they have said is that they will not enforce any further regulations on short stay properties. As it stands, people who rent out rooms in their home can do so with no permit. Larger properties will need to register with their local government.


There has been mixed responses to this, and arguments can be made from all sides.


In the meantime, the government has freed up land to build homes on, and has put incentives in place to encourage home owners to list their properties for long-term rentals.